Selected Publications
Searching for Spelman’s Birds
By Catherine Schmitt and Rich MacDonald. Chebacco, The Magazine of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society, 2018
Mount Desert Island’s Diverse Working Waterfront
By Natalie Springuel. Chebacco, The Magazine of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society, 2016
Passenger Logbook: Expedition Antarctica
By Richard MacDonald. Published for the English passengers on a Hapag-Lloyd Cruises expedition, January 2016
From Wealth to Poverty: The Rise and Fall of Cod around Mount Desert Island
By Natalie Springuel, William B. Leavenworth, and Karen Alexander. Chebacco, The Magazine of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society, 2015
Migration is for the Birds
By Rich MacDonald. Friends of Acadia Journal, Fall 2014
Boreal Migrants in Winter Bird Communities
By B. Robertson, Richard MacDonald, J. Wells, P. Blancher, and L. Bevier. Studies in Avian Biology 41, 2011