Citizen Science
Anyone can be a citizen scientist, someone who contributes their observations to the greater scientific good. With more data, scientists gain a better understanding of trends. In a world facing rapid ecological change, this information can be crucial to understanding things such as declining bird populations and the response of birds to a warming climate.
Below are a few opportunities for people of all ages and skill levels to contribute:
Spring Arrivals & Departures Project
Do you live, work, play, or vacation on Mount Desert Island? Help us track the arrival of spring migratory birds. Download the Spring Arrivals Project worksheet and begin contributing to our understanding of the birdlife of Mount Desert Island.
Maine Bird Atlas
Beginning in 2018, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife launched the Maine Bird Atlas. This 5-year project is designed to document the distribution and relative abundance of all birds breeding and wintering across the state of Maine. The Natural History Center serves as a regional coordinator for this project. You can learn more about the Atlas, including finding the Volunteer Handbook, at maine.gov/birdatlas.
eBird is more than a simple way to track your life-list, it is a powerful, real-time and online checklist program that scientists rely on to get population level data on distribution and abundance. Anyone can contribute, all it takes is setting up a free account. Of course, data from all tours with The Natural History Center are contributed. Ask us about if you or your group want to be trained in eBird. For more information about eBird, browse eBird.org.
MDI Birdathon
Each May, The Natural History Center conducts the MDI Birdathon. This is a fund-raising event for the Downeast Chapter of Maine Audubon with all proceeds used to send local youths to nature-based summer camp. As of 2019, the MDI Birdathon has raised nearly $22,000 and has helped send over 100 kids to camp. All contributions are tax deductible, so if you would like to contribute, please contact us.