29 species on first autumn Weekly Bird Tour

Wednesday, 30 October 2019, saw the return of our Weekly Birding Tours (these are offered most Wednesdays—check our calendar for future dates). Despite a low ceiling and a light, misting drizzle at the beginning of the day, we managed 29 species! Highlights were a late Wood Duck, a hen Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal (man-oman, do I LOVE those teal scapulars), my first Long-tailed Duck of the season, a lone Bonaparte's Gull mixed in with about 300 assorted gulls loafing on the high-tide rocks at Seawall, Golden-crowned Kinglets (even though they are common year-round, these diminutive songbirds are little feathered wonders), and good, if brief, looks at a Lincoln Sparrow.